OWNER: Fran Hopkin
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Weber Mexican Hairless, 05-06 3rd Place, Los Iguanas de Maracaibo, 06-07 4th Place, 07-08 5th Place, 08-09 4th Place
LOCATION: Maracaibo, Venezuela
ARENA: La Arena de Básquet de Hugo Chávez
MOTTO: "¡Adios Los LeBraunas; Hola Los Iguodalas!"
MOST-HATED RIVALS: SnowBees, Abominables, Tigers
There is a tale that every Venezuelan child knows by heart. It is a story of perseverance. Of empowerment. Of Venezuelan independence. And going into the 2009-10 WFBL campaign, it's a tale that coach Fran Hopkin is hoping will inspire his rag-tag group of castaways and role players into achieving the impossible.
"Gather round, men, and I'll tell you a tale," Hopkin told his new band of brothers, gathered around a campfire in a remote Amazonian jungle. "Venezuela wasn't always the powerful, fear-inducing nation it is today. No, no—Venezuela, much like the Iguanas, tried for years to claim their independence. Many uprisings were planned; many times a republic was meant to be formed; many empty declarations of supremacy were made; but just as often, those attempts were demolished. Whether by internal strife or by natural disaster, our great country could not get itself out from under the oppression of European rule."
"European rule? You mean like Switzerland, coach?" asked Chauncey Billups, starting point guard and the only returning starter from last season's World Conference Concludings participants.
"Um, sure, Spanish, Swiss, it's all good. But then, along came a man who would be our country's hero, a man you know as LeBrón Bolívar!" Hopkin paused as the forest was overcome with audible excitement. "He was to be the man who took us to the promised land. But even though this great man helped further the cause of independence by getting sovereignty granted, he left to try and help other nations gain that ultimate glory. It is that freedom—that true freedom—that was not declared. Until a little known man by the name of José Andre Iguodala de Páez led the Great Rebellion, doing what the much-hyped (and frankly overrated, in my opinion) LeBrón Bolívar could not—proclaim the creation of the New Republic of Venezuela!"
"Wow, coach I can see a lot of similarities between the history of our team and the history of Venezuela's independence!" said David Lee after the cheers had subsided. "Sounds like you're comparing all the team's promising starts and frustrating finishes to that of Venezuela's."
"And it seems like you're saying that LeBron wasn't all he's cracked up to be, since even though he won an EBP he wasn't able to win us a Concludings title," said returning shooting guard Ray Allen. "Much less help us beat the oppressive Abominables when it mattered most."
"Wait a second. If that's what you're saying, then that must mean...," the voice of Andris Biedrins trailed and coach Hopkin nodded as the Iguana players, eyes widening, first looked at each other and then slowly shifted their gaze to newly acquired shooting guard Andre Iguodala, who was busy stuffing his face with s'mores.
"My friends. Forget Los LeBraunas de Maracaibo," said Hopkin. "Say hello to Los Iguodalas de Maracaibo!"

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