OWNER: Shaun Adams
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Twin Falls Gators, 06-07 7th Place, 07-08 2nd Place, 08-09 3rd Place
LOCATION: Twin Falls, Idaho
ARENA: The Farm at Twin Falls
MOTTO: Gator Done!
MOST-HATED RIVAL(s): Abominables, Jai-Rai, Sundancers
For the first time in their franchise's history, Kobe Bryant will not be suiting up for the Twin Falls Gators. While some might see his absence as a negative, Gator brass are spinning the loss of the former EBP as a step in the right direction.
"Kobe was such a mismatch for Twin Falls," said owner Shaun Adams. "Kobe in this town was like wearing a pair of gym shoes with an evening gown. Twin Falls being the gym shoes, and Kobe being the evening gown, of course."
"Twin Falls really isn't well-known for being the home of famous celebrities," echoed first-round draft pick Deron Williams, the second-best point guard in the WFBL. "I mean, the most famous person to come out of Twin Falls...hang on let me google it...yeah, see I don't know who any of those people are."
"This is an unassuming place," continued Adams. "So we went out and filled the roster with some unassuming, 'low-key" guys, to borrow a phrase. Williams, who, when you hear his name, automatically makes you think of how much better Chris Paul is; Tim Duncan, who I'm pretty sure is a deaf mute, because he never talks in practice and is perpetually staring wide-eyed, straight ahead; Lamar Odom-Kardashian, who isn't even the most famous person in his own family; OJ Mayo, who's really only known for being named after the famous Heisman Trophy winner/acquitted murderer/breakfast beverage/lunch condiment; and David West, a guy who only agreed to play here because he still hadn't sold his house from a few years ago."
Is it possible that this group of no-names can take the Gators to a Concludings title, something Mr. Flashy Dress Bryant could never do? Williams likes his team's odds.
"Hey, it's not about just one player, it's about all five of us coming together and being the best te....I mean seriously, Ralf Youtz, the original drummer for Built to Spill? That's the best this town can do? Even Rigby has the inventor of the television!"

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Hey what about William Mark Felt Sr. (The FBI informer who brought the whole Watergate scandal out. Sean Sutton the former coach of the Oklahoma State Cowboys (granted he was only head coach 2 years before getting canned, but still...), or Christina Hendricks (from Mad Men), who was born in Knoxville but raised in Twin Falls. Come on do your homework, what kind of people does the WFBL have reporting for them in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHey, don't blame the WFBL reporters, blame D-Will. He was the one doing the googling!