OWNER: Diana and Ben Edgell
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: Richmond Butchers, 07-08 3rd Place, 08-09 11th Place
LOCATION: Richmond, Virginia
ARENA: The Joan Dome
MOTTO: Give me the Concludings, or give me death!
MOST-HATED RIVAL(s): Abominables
On March 23, 1775, a man wearing a wig and hosiery named Patrick Henry (name of the man, not the wig or the hosiery) stood before the House of Burgesses in St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia, and spoke these immortal words: "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" That pretty much riled up the crowd, and they went out and kicked their British oppressors in the pants.
But that was a really long time ago, and a lot of people don't remember it. Much more fresh on everyone's mind is something else that happened in Richmond: the Butchers lost a lot of games last season—enough to leave them dead last in the WFBL (or second to last if you count Bayside).
But that was last season; this season the Butchers have acquired superstar forward Kevin Garnett, who stood before a draft-day rally in Richmond last week, himself wearing a wig and hosiery, and shouted, "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me the Concludings, or give me death!" The assembled fans got all excited, much as those Burgesses once did, while Richmond's elder statesman, Jason Kidd, dressed up as Benjamin Franklin, nodded his approval.
Can Garnett and Kidd, along with newcomers Carmelo Anthony and Marcus Camby, lead the Butcher Revolution and unseat the World Conference's tyrant, the Zermatt Abominables? I don't know about you, but I'm not inclined to contradict Kevin Garnett when he's shouting like that, even if he's wearing a wig and hosiery.

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