Ellie-spirational! Top Kids Club Fan Galvanizes A-Boms Past Gators

Just as Alger's top A+Buddie, Ellie Barnes, rose to the top of the arena, so too did the Abominables rise to the top of the WFBL standings.
ZERMATT (AP)—Coming into their pivotal heat-check against Wasatch top-dog Twin Falls, Chris Paul and company had reeled of a series of four straight victories, albeit of the 5-4 variety. The diminutive reigning EBP knew his A-Boms were starting to gel, but that they would need all the help they could get to defeat the hated Gators, holders of the league's best record.
Enter Ellie Marie Barnes.
Word reached the locker room last week that little baby Ellie, she of barely five months, was named the President of Alger's A+Buddies, the Zermatt Abominables kids club.
"When coach told me about Ellie, man, it just got me goin'," said Paul, who is up for weekly EBP honors. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know we're by far the most popular team in the league, and we outsell everyone at the team store. But I never knew such loyalty could come in such a tiny, yet stout package."
As charter member and President of the Alger's A+Buddies Kid's Club, Ellie—for a $25 fee—receives an official A+Buddies onesie and gets to meet the players at halftime. She also was able to participate in on-court timeout activities, such as rappelling from the rafters, throwing down some trampoline dunks, and being shot out of a t-shirt cannon into the crowd.
"As I watched her fly into the upper balcony into the arms of the rest of Alger's A+Buddies, I thought to myself, 'Chris, you owe it to young Ellie Barnes to close out this series. And you owe her more than a 5-4 win.'" And Chris Paul is a man of his word, holding D-Will in check as the inspired A-Boms won 5-3-1, bringing their league-leading win-streak to five weeks.
I know what you're thinking. How can I be one of Alger's A+Buddies? Fear not! You too can be a member of the fastest-growing WFBL kids club. Just click the image below and download a copy of Alger's A+Buddies Super Fun Page. Correctly complete the tasks and send it in to alger@abuddies.aboms.com, along with the $25 (makes checks payable to Ben Barnes) and you'll be wearing your official onesie in no time!

Week 12 Game of the Week Voting Results:
Zermatt Abominables 5 (62%)
PARK CITY (AP)—The Park City Sundancers continued their dominance of the Rigby Trojans, pounding out a 5-3-1 victory. An ecstatic Dwyane Wade declared, "I wish we could play Rigby every week. If such a scenario were to unfold, accordingly to my calculations, our record so far would be 72-30-6, putting us in first place." Rigby Coach Becky Barnes could not be reached for comment. Rumor has it she has been too busy getting sucked back into the high stakes world of Growing Pains.
Owner Dave Barton shared his thoughts on what seemed to be a re-energized Sundancer squad. "Well, the Sundance Film Festival started this week, and I think we were really able to feed off of the Little Hollywood atmosphere at Redford Arena. It's exciting for the guys to come play and see scarf-wearing stars in the crowd like Crispin Glover or Diddy."
Park City benchwarmer Drew "I'm not that" Gooden shared his own star-watching experience, "It was so awesome, I saw Deseret News movie critic Jeff Vice! I read his 'Regurgitated Internet Buzz' column every Sunday. He was in the process of getting shot down by Lindsay Lohan when I saw him, so I didn't get a chance to get his autograph. But I did take a photo of myself with my camera that has him in the background."
While all the buzz seemed to supercharge the Sundancers, small town Rigby seemed overwhelmed by the circus at times.
"Them movie peoples are pretty," said a star-struck Udonis Haslem. "I think I done saw that Dr Jean Grey from the X-mens, You know she's a real high-class movie person. I sure liked that X-mens movie."
The festival also provided a means for Park City to provide some additional incentives for their players, beyond the usual "winning is cool" incentive. Rasheed Wallace elaborated, "Mr. Barton promised us if we went the whole week without any injuries, he would take us to the premiere of 'Black Snake Moan' so we could meet Samuel L. Jackson. I love that mofo."
As the WFBL season reaches its midpoint, the Sundancer's record stands at 52-52-4. A reflective Barton commented, "Sure, we've made some mistakes, but we have gotten it right 50% of the time. We are hoping to be in the 55-60% range by season's end."
The Trojans were the first—but not the last—team to be star-struck in Park City. That week, a tradition of hosting a home series during the festival was born, and the rest is WFBL history.

Just as Alger's top A+Buddie, Ellie Barnes, rose to the top of the arena, so too did the Abominables rise to the top of the WFBL standings.
ZERMATT (AP)—Coming into their pivotal heat-check against Wasatch top-dog Twin Falls, Chris Paul and company had reeled of a series of four straight victories, albeit of the 5-4 variety. The diminutive reigning EBP knew his A-Boms were starting to gel, but that they would need all the help they could get to defeat the hated Gators, holders of the league's best record.
Enter Ellie Marie Barnes.
Word reached the locker room last week that little baby Ellie, she of barely five months, was named the President of Alger's A+Buddies, the Zermatt Abominables kids club.
"When coach told me about Ellie, man, it just got me goin'," said Paul, who is up for weekly EBP honors. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know we're by far the most popular team in the league, and we outsell everyone at the team store. But I never knew such loyalty could come in such a tiny, yet stout package."
As charter member and President of the Alger's A+Buddies Kid's Club, Ellie—for a $25 fee—receives an official A+Buddies onesie and gets to meet the players at halftime. She also was able to participate in on-court timeout activities, such as rappelling from the rafters, throwing down some trampoline dunks, and being shot out of a t-shirt cannon into the crowd.
"As I watched her fly into the upper balcony into the arms of the rest of Alger's A+Buddies, I thought to myself, 'Chris, you owe it to young Ellie Barnes to close out this series. And you owe her more than a 5-4 win.'" And Chris Paul is a man of his word, holding D-Will in check as the inspired A-Boms won 5-3-1, bringing their league-leading win-streak to five weeks.
I know what you're thinking. How can I be one of Alger's A+Buddies? Fear not! You too can be a member of the fastest-growing WFBL kids club. Just click the image below and download a copy of Alger's A+Buddies Super Fun Page. Correctly complete the tasks and send it in to alger@abuddies.aboms.com, along with the $25 (makes checks payable to Ben Barnes) and you'll be wearing your official onesie in no time!

Around the WFBL
Iguanas 5, SnowBees 4
Kings 5, Sundancers 4
Butchers 5, Trojans 2, Unclaimed 2
Jai-Rai 7, Underdogs 2Tigers 7, Stratagem 1, Humanity 1
Week 12 Game of the Week Voting Results:
Twin Falls Gators 3 (37%)
Zermatt Abominables 5 (62%)
Week 11 EBP:
Dwyane Wade, Park City—46 votes (60% of vote)
Loaf of Bread: $1.75
Gallon of milk: $1.99
#1 Song: "Irreplaceable"—Beyoncé
#1 Movie: "Stomp the Yard"
Each week, This Week in the WFBL looks back and shines a light on a moment in the WFBL's illustrious history. This week, we look at Week 12 from 2007 (Jan 15- 21). The expansion Park City Sundancers (yes, them again) were having a rough go of it in their first season in the WFBL. Week 12 happened to coincide with the Park City Film Festival, which happened to coincide with an upset over the Rigby Trojans.
WEEK TWELVE, JAN 15-21, 2007
Park City Star Power Blinds Rigby

Owner Dave Barton shared his thoughts on what seemed to be a re-energized Sundancer squad. "Well, the Sundance Film Festival started this week, and I think we were really able to feed off of the Little Hollywood atmosphere at Redford Arena. It's exciting for the guys to come play and see scarf-wearing stars in the crowd like Crispin Glover or Diddy."
Park City benchwarmer Drew "I'm not that" Gooden shared his own star-watching experience, "It was so awesome, I saw Deseret News movie critic Jeff Vice! I read his 'Regurgitated Internet Buzz' column every Sunday. He was in the process of getting shot down by Lindsay Lohan when I saw him, so I didn't get a chance to get his autograph. But I did take a photo of myself with my camera that has him in the background."
While all the buzz seemed to supercharge the Sundancers, small town Rigby seemed overwhelmed by the circus at times.
"Them movie peoples are pretty," said a star-struck Udonis Haslem. "I think I done saw that Dr Jean Grey from the X-mens, You know she's a real high-class movie person. I sure liked that X-mens movie."
The festival also provided a means for Park City to provide some additional incentives for their players, beyond the usual "winning is cool" incentive. Rasheed Wallace elaborated, "Mr. Barton promised us if we went the whole week without any injuries, he would take us to the premiere of 'Black Snake Moan' so we could meet Samuel L. Jackson. I love that mofo."
As the WFBL season reaches its midpoint, the Sundancer's record stands at 52-52-4. A reflective Barton commented, "Sure, we've made some mistakes, but we have gotten it right 50% of the time. We are hoping to be in the 55-60% range by season's end."
The Trojans were the first—but not the last—team to be star-struck in Park City. That week, a tradition of hosting a home series during the festival was born, and the rest is WFBL history.
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