Kings' Nash Finds Voice on Radio Show

Steve Nash, live on WNYK: your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball!
NEW YORK (AP)—Editor's note: The following is a transcript of an interview between New York City radio station WNYK and Kings All-Star point guard Steve Nash, which was really hard to type because radio talk show hosts talk fast. But it was still easier than actually interviewing Steve Nash ourselves.
Marvelous Marv: Hey, all you sports fans out there in Radioland! You're listening to "King Me," the weekly program that brings you the inside scoop on your New York Kings, right here on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball. I'm your host, Marvelous Marv Martinez, and I'm really excited about our next guest. He's been a member of the Kings ever since their inaugural season, and he's been a dear friend of mine ever since he started playing well earlier this year. And now that we're able to disguise ourselves on his caller ID, he's joining us as a guest on our show. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome New York City's favorite point guard, Mr. Steve Nash!
Steve Nash: Hello?
Marvelous: Hello, Steve!
Steve: Who is this?
Marvelous: I'm Marvelous Marv Martinez, and you're on "King Me," the weekly program that brings you the inside scoop on your New York Kings, right here on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball.
Steve: The caller ID said you were my grandmother.
Marvelous: That's strange. Well, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
Steve: Actually, Marv, I'm kind of busy right now. You see, I was just about to clip my toenails.
Marvelous: Don't worry, Steve, this will only take a minute. You and your Kings compadres are coming off a huge 5-4 win against the Udorn Jai-Rai, a tough World Conference foe that has been chasing you in the standings. You came into the series ahead of Udorn by only half a game, and now, thanks to that hard-fought victory, you're ahead by a full game and a half. And every win counts at this point in the season, with only a few weeks left before the playoffs. And I know you want to head into next week's All-Star break with momentum. And it's important to keep that win streak alive, which now stands at six weeks and includes wins over the Iguanas and the Sundancers. 'Cause that win streak is giving the Kings relevance and making the rest of the league take notice. And it's really nice for the fans, because they've been supporting you ever since about week three of your current win streak. And now to beat the Jai-Rai in the WFBL Game of the Week—how important was that to you and your team?
Steve: Um, very...important...?
Marvelous: That's right. And let's talk about your personal performance. Your 51 assists, 12-for-12 free-throw shooting, four steals and 12 three-pointers almost single-handedly beat the Jai-Rai in those categories, and as you know, in a narrow 5-4 victory, every single statistic counts—although, technically, I guess, they count in blowouts too, but they seem to count more in close games. Anyway, I'm sure you'd say that it was a team effort, and that no one player can do it all himself, and that Paul Pierce and Corey Maggette going off for 84 point apiece surely helped. And you'd probably want to give credit to Udorn for how hard they played to keep the series close. But how satisfying was it for you personally to have such a big series individually in one of the biggest series of the year and help your team in this way and give the Kings fans such an important win?
Steve: It was...satisfying, Marv. For all the reasons you mentioned.
Marvelous: And speaking of your individual effort, how gratifying was it to be named the starting point guard for the upcoming All-Star game ahead of reigning EBP and media darling Chris Paul of the hated Zermatt Abominables, whom everybody wants on their team and for whom any team would drop their current point guard—even you—in an instant? I mean, anytime you can be recognized individually for your accomplishments in this way, by being named an All-Star—that's something you always dream about and work for. But when it comes at the expense of a player whom the media drools over, that has to be extra special. Of course, team goals are the most important, as we all know. And you're surely focused primarily on helping the New York Kings lock up a playoff berth and make a run for the Concludings. But surely there must be some personal gratification at being honored in this way, given an appropriate amount of obligatory acknowledgment of the role your teammates play in making you look good, right?
Steve: [silence]
Marvelous: Steve? Steve? Are you there, Steve? Did we lose Steve? All right, which of you lousy technicians lost the phone connection? You're making me look bad! Get Steve back on the line, or so help me...
Steve: Hey, Marv. I'm back. Sorry. It sounded like your question was going to take a while, so I figured I had time to run out for just a sec and shoot a Vitamin Water commercial. But I set my phone next to a baked potato—did the potato answer your question all right?
Marvelous: No, not really, but—oh, hold on, Steve. It's now 7:47, and you know what that means! Every ten minutes on the sevens here at WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball, we bring you Time-Saver Traffic Reports from "Judy in the Sky" Farnsworth. Judy, how's the traffic looking from up there?
Judy: Well, Marv, traffic is at a standstill on basically every street in this sorry town. All major intersections are jammed, mostly with taxis, and I'm hearing a lot of obscenities in every language you can think of.
Marvelous: So, basically, no change from your last report 10 minutes ago?
Judy: Or from any report I've ever given in the 12 years I've worked here, Marv.
Marvelous: Thanks, Judy. We'll check back with you at 7:57. Sorry for the interruption, Steve.
Steve: No problem, Marv. That was very informative.
Marvelous: Just one more question and then we'll let you go. As you know, it was just over five short years ago that the nation of Thailand was devastated by a horrific tsunami. Millions or perhaps billions of people were killed, and billions more were left homeless. Worst of all, the Thai people were forced to face the tragedy without the benefit of a championship-contending professional sports franchise. Fate, it seems, has been merciless toward the people of Thailand—until this year, when Kobe Bryant signed with the Udorn Jai-Rai. Suddenly there was hope that the Jai-Rai could bring healing to this forlorn land. But now you and your heartless mates from New York have dealt a cruel blow to the dreams of the Thai people, robbing them, at least temporarily, of the one bright star in the pitch-black sky of their lives. If the Jai-Rai do not make the playoffs because of their loss to the Kings, then you might as well rename your team the Tsunamis, because you'll have done more damage to the Thai psyche than any natural disaster could ever do. How do you live with yourself?
Steve: Marv, that's THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER HEARD! What kind of pompous arrogance inspires the sports industry to believe that having a winning team erases or even mitigates the misery and suffering caused by the 2004 tsunami? The people of Thailand need clean water and food and shelter and comfort, and we give them a WFBL franchise?!? Will the Jai-Rai rebuild their homes? Will the Jai-Rai adopt the orphaned children? Will the Jai-Rai feed the starving families who lost their plantations and their livelihood? Can the Thai people EAT the Jai-Rai? All the Jai-Rai will do is squeeze more money out of these poverty-stricken people and line the pockets of the elitists. If I hear one more sportscaster claim that the nation of Thailand "needs" the Jai-Rai to go to the Concludings this year in order to complete the healing process from the tsunami, I'm going to take that sportscaster's microphone and--
Marvelous: Well, that's all the time we have for today. Tune in next week for "King Me" on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball. (Man, that Steve Nash can really be long-winded, can't he?)
Week 14 Game of the Week Voting Results:
Udorn Jai-Rai 4 (66%)
TWIN FALLS (AP)—At the beginning of the season, the Twin Falls Gators had a few goals in mind for 2008-09. While the pedestrian goals—make the playoffs, finish in first, win the Concludings, etc—are easy enough, the one that stood out as simply unattainable is the one still fridge-magnet-ed to the locker of each and every player: Keep Zermatt From the Playoffs. The top-ranked (you can preface that with, "formerly", that's for sure) Gators, fresh off a stumblingly pathetic 4-4-1 tie to last place Bayside, get their final direct shot at acheiving their goal, welcoming the A-Boms to town. They'll need help, too, with the defending champs a mere (cough) 18.5 games ahead of Richmond, with five weeks to go. But still, that's not stopping Kobe and Co. from giving it their all. "We need this win, we absolutely must have it," said Bryant. "People talk about winning a championship as the ultimate goal. I already did that. That's been done by a lot of people. But Zermatt's never not made the playoffs. So as you can see, all our focus—mine at least—will be on stopping them." "Not me," said forward Tim Duncan. "Who cares about Zermatt? I want a ring! Gimme gimme!"
It needn't be mentioned that the Mamba's goal of keeping the A-Boms from the playoffs was not only NOT attained, but it was not attained in the most horrible way imaginable. You know the history here.
Kings' Nash Finds Voice on Radio Show

Steve Nash, live on WNYK: your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball!
NEW YORK (AP)—Editor's note: The following is a transcript of an interview between New York City radio station WNYK and Kings All-Star point guard Steve Nash, which was really hard to type because radio talk show hosts talk fast. But it was still easier than actually interviewing Steve Nash ourselves.
Marvelous Marv: Hey, all you sports fans out there in Radioland! You're listening to "King Me," the weekly program that brings you the inside scoop on your New York Kings, right here on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball. I'm your host, Marvelous Marv Martinez, and I'm really excited about our next guest. He's been a member of the Kings ever since their inaugural season, and he's been a dear friend of mine ever since he started playing well earlier this year. And now that we're able to disguise ourselves on his caller ID, he's joining us as a guest on our show. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome New York City's favorite point guard, Mr. Steve Nash!
Steve Nash: Hello?
Marvelous: Hello, Steve!
Steve: Who is this?
Marvelous: I'm Marvelous Marv Martinez, and you're on "King Me," the weekly program that brings you the inside scoop on your New York Kings, right here on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball.
Steve: The caller ID said you were my grandmother.
Marvelous: That's strange. Well, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?
Steve: Actually, Marv, I'm kind of busy right now. You see, I was just about to clip my toenails.
Marvelous: Don't worry, Steve, this will only take a minute. You and your Kings compadres are coming off a huge 5-4 win against the Udorn Jai-Rai, a tough World Conference foe that has been chasing you in the standings. You came into the series ahead of Udorn by only half a game, and now, thanks to that hard-fought victory, you're ahead by a full game and a half. And every win counts at this point in the season, with only a few weeks left before the playoffs. And I know you want to head into next week's All-Star break with momentum. And it's important to keep that win streak alive, which now stands at six weeks and includes wins over the Iguanas and the Sundancers. 'Cause that win streak is giving the Kings relevance and making the rest of the league take notice. And it's really nice for the fans, because they've been supporting you ever since about week three of your current win streak. And now to beat the Jai-Rai in the WFBL Game of the Week—how important was that to you and your team?
Steve: Um, very...important...?
Marvelous: That's right. And let's talk about your personal performance. Your 51 assists, 12-for-12 free-throw shooting, four steals and 12 three-pointers almost single-handedly beat the Jai-Rai in those categories, and as you know, in a narrow 5-4 victory, every single statistic counts—although, technically, I guess, they count in blowouts too, but they seem to count more in close games. Anyway, I'm sure you'd say that it was a team effort, and that no one player can do it all himself, and that Paul Pierce and Corey Maggette going off for 84 point apiece surely helped. And you'd probably want to give credit to Udorn for how hard they played to keep the series close. But how satisfying was it for you personally to have such a big series individually in one of the biggest series of the year and help your team in this way and give the Kings fans such an important win?
Steve: It was...satisfying, Marv. For all the reasons you mentioned.
Marvelous: And speaking of your individual effort, how gratifying was it to be named the starting point guard for the upcoming All-Star game ahead of reigning EBP and media darling Chris Paul of the hated Zermatt Abominables, whom everybody wants on their team and for whom any team would drop their current point guard—even you—in an instant? I mean, anytime you can be recognized individually for your accomplishments in this way, by being named an All-Star—that's something you always dream about and work for. But when it comes at the expense of a player whom the media drools over, that has to be extra special. Of course, team goals are the most important, as we all know. And you're surely focused primarily on helping the New York Kings lock up a playoff berth and make a run for the Concludings. But surely there must be some personal gratification at being honored in this way, given an appropriate amount of obligatory acknowledgment of the role your teammates play in making you look good, right?
Steve: [silence]
Marvelous: Steve? Steve? Are you there, Steve? Did we lose Steve? All right, which of you lousy technicians lost the phone connection? You're making me look bad! Get Steve back on the line, or so help me...
Steve: Hey, Marv. I'm back. Sorry. It sounded like your question was going to take a while, so I figured I had time to run out for just a sec and shoot a Vitamin Water commercial. But I set my phone next to a baked potato—did the potato answer your question all right?
Marvelous: No, not really, but—oh, hold on, Steve. It's now 7:47, and you know what that means! Every ten minutes on the sevens here at WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball, we bring you Time-Saver Traffic Reports from "Judy in the Sky" Farnsworth. Judy, how's the traffic looking from up there?
Judy: Well, Marv, traffic is at a standstill on basically every street in this sorry town. All major intersections are jammed, mostly with taxis, and I'm hearing a lot of obscenities in every language you can think of.
Marvelous: So, basically, no change from your last report 10 minutes ago?
Judy: Or from any report I've ever given in the 12 years I've worked here, Marv.
Marvelous: Thanks, Judy. We'll check back with you at 7:57. Sorry for the interruption, Steve.
Steve: No problem, Marv. That was very informative.
Marvelous: Just one more question and then we'll let you go. As you know, it was just over five short years ago that the nation of Thailand was devastated by a horrific tsunami. Millions or perhaps billions of people were killed, and billions more were left homeless. Worst of all, the Thai people were forced to face the tragedy without the benefit of a championship-contending professional sports franchise. Fate, it seems, has been merciless toward the people of Thailand—until this year, when Kobe Bryant signed with the Udorn Jai-Rai. Suddenly there was hope that the Jai-Rai could bring healing to this forlorn land. But now you and your heartless mates from New York have dealt a cruel blow to the dreams of the Thai people, robbing them, at least temporarily, of the one bright star in the pitch-black sky of their lives. If the Jai-Rai do not make the playoffs because of their loss to the Kings, then you might as well rename your team the Tsunamis, because you'll have done more damage to the Thai psyche than any natural disaster could ever do. How do you live with yourself?
Steve: Marv, that's THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE EVER HEARD! What kind of pompous arrogance inspires the sports industry to believe that having a winning team erases or even mitigates the misery and suffering caused by the 2004 tsunami? The people of Thailand need clean water and food and shelter and comfort, and we give them a WFBL franchise?!? Will the Jai-Rai rebuild their homes? Will the Jai-Rai adopt the orphaned children? Will the Jai-Rai feed the starving families who lost their plantations and their livelihood? Can the Thai people EAT the Jai-Rai? All the Jai-Rai will do is squeeze more money out of these poverty-stricken people and line the pockets of the elitists. If I hear one more sportscaster claim that the nation of Thailand "needs" the Jai-Rai to go to the Concludings this year in order to complete the healing process from the tsunami, I'm going to take that sportscaster's microphone and--
Marvelous: Well, that's all the time we have for today. Tune in next week for "King Me" on WNYK, your exclusive home for traffic, polka music, and New York Kings basketball. (Man, that Steve Nash can really be long-winded, can't he?)
Around the WFBL
Abominables 8, Butchers 1
Sundancers 8, Stratagem 1
SnowBees 5, Trojans 4
Gators 6, Underdogs 3Iguanas 7, Tigers 2
Week 14 Game of the Week Voting Results:
New York Kings 2 (33%)
Udorn Jai-Rai 4 (66%)
Week 13 EBP:
LeBron James, Rigby—4 votes (50% of vote)
Loaf of Bread: $2.02
Gallon of milk: $3.39
#1 Song:"Just Dance"—Lady GaGa ft. Colby O'Donis
#1 Movie: "Taken"
#1 Movie: "Taken"
Each week, This Week in the WFBL looks back and shines a light on a moment in the WFBL's illustrious history. This week, we look at Week 14 from 2009(Jan 26-Feb 1). The Twin Falls Gators were once again competing for first place in the Wasatch Conference, and all season long, a certain reptilian-themed player was at the center of controversy. Week 14 gave us a unique, personal look inside the Mamba's locker. Click the image at your own risk: some things you can't un-see.
Gators 4, Tigers 4, Humanity 1

Why is it that every funny and ridiculous post made on this web-site is at the expense of the Jai-Rai? I know I suck and I'm way under rated but come on really? I've got to admit they are hilarious though.
ReplyDeleteBecause the Jai-Rai are funny and ridiculous. You should take that as a compliment. Think of all the teams that never get written about!